The main goal of brand work: “Let the customer remember the brand and all the brand associate with it”.
It is our mission that how to make brand memory stay in the hearts of customers!

Garlic Design collects complete consumer visual and perceptual conversion data, material craft database.
Dedicated to mining social trends, business trends, cultural history, combined with consumer behavior patterns, to help customers define their brand personality, and to separate the market homogenous opponents.
Targeting customer attributes, linking text and visual communication, marketing strategies, and creating a unique brand communication model. And implement visual goals at the most reasonable cost.

Garlic Design insists on creating sustainable brands for its customers and generating revenue and profit.
Bringing together senior design teams from China, France, Japan . and so on with unique insight and strong execution, with full experience of domestic and international projects, we will give maximum support to all categories of customers.

The main goal of brand work: “Let the customer remember the brand and all the brand associate with it”.
It is our mission that how to make brand memory stay in the hearts of customers!
Garlic Design collects complete consumer visual and perceptual conversion data, material craft database.
Dedicated to mining social trends, business trends, cultural history, combined with consumer behavior patterns, to help customers define their brand personality, and to separate the market homogenous opponents.
Targeting customer attributes, linking text and visual communication, marketing strategies, and creating a unique brand communication model. And implement visual goals at the most reasonable cost.
Garlic Design insists on creating sustainable brands for its customers and generating revenue and profit.
Bringing together senior design teams from China, France, Japan, Poland and Taiwan, with unique insight and strong execution, with full experience of domestic and international projects, we will give maximum support to all categories of customers.




As a diversified design team, Garlic Design was born in Shanghai with creativity and passion. Our international combination serves as fresh ingredients from China, France, Japan,. With such multiculturalism and professionalism, Garlic aims to bring remarkable results to our clients.

We know our work.




For the last three decades, Garlic has been keeping an eye on what is going on both around the globe and in China, to gain a deeper understanding of the market dynamics. Garlic strives to last the brand memory through a thorough discovery of brand assets and a firmly- established bridge to customers.

The ultimate goal is to create a unique brand communication model for the clients with Garlic insights and strategies.

We can be very sharp.




Based on a large number of research, data and information on consumer visual perception, Garlic is devoted to the study of characteristics of different materials, in a pursuit to bring the best out of the design with the technology deployment and constant experiments.

From ancient to modern times, the west to the east, wisdom breathes over the years. Now Garlic garners all the meaningful resources in its projects to achieve brand expansion, consumer memory points and the best vision.

We think thick.




Garlic is an intriguing plant, it looks round and lovely on the outside,
but intense when took in. Its existence provokes plentiful changes in taste both in Eastern and Western cuisine.

That’s how delicious Garlic Design is, spicy, unique. Each piece of Garlic work shows its creative vibe and expertise in design.

We don’t copy, even from our past works.

We are all about originality.




Meet GarlicDesign in Shanghai


Room 109, 8th Floor, Century Business Plaza, No. 989 Changle Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai

+86 21 62256089 Ext. 801, 807


16, Lane 76, Wuyuan Road, Shanghai, China. 200031

+86 21 6225 6089 Ext. 801, 807